Staring into faces
I stand in the dark
Of my parents’ room
At the black and white
Photos silently
Paper tombstones line
Thick dust silhouettes
Names only spoken
In stories of others
Stories once taken
Immigration there
Just married right here
Graduations once
Off to war once more
Suits ties shiny shoes
Dresses Sunday bests
Posing for portraits
In front of backgrounds
I see my family
Their lives yet missing
No silly habits
No ways of talking
No nervous fingers
No tempers thrown
No wisdom shown
Searching for my face
My dimples his cheek
Hair parted to right
His nose widens mine
My eyes my Mother’s
His name behind me
And yet but or still
He is me I’m he
My grandfather there
A picture framed
Give and take I make
My path my first name
A photograph left
A choice still is left
Take and give I make
Next Generations.
Submitted as part of “National Poetry Writing Month – 2017” (#NaPoWriMo2017). Today’s prompt: finally, our final prompt – at least until next year! Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem about something that happens again and again.
All text and photography © Dale Schierbeck
…. more of my original Poetry on EatsWritesShoots here.
I am so proud of you for having completed a month of poetry – not an easy feat but yet you made it seem easy – though not at all effortless as the insight and artfulness and thoughtfulness has been so evident. And this one is a great way to wrap up this legacy of your own! 🙂
Thank you my sweetheart. It certainly wasn’t easy to maintain that level of discipline and find time amidst live and busyness of other events. Apart from the time, the hardest part was my own added twist on the challenge to find photography to go with each of submissions. In many cases, the inspiration and poem was already in my head before I found the photo to go with it. A month of writing taught me a lot, but that I can write in different poetic forms and on just about anything — though I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not always at my best in some of these forms or subjects. There were some real gems that emerged though and of that I’m very proud and look forward to more time when I can work/rework some of them more. I do look forward as well to ingraining the discipline to write every day into my ‘everyday’ and start to work towards some bigger projects that will require that discipline and routine. And more than anything, I want to thank you for honouring me and my goal to do this, for supporting me both with the space/time to do this, and with the kind words when I published every day. Thank you for being a great fan and my partner. ~ love
You’re welcome and thank you for allowing me to share in it all. <3
This is such a good poem, memories of others, faces, names, gone. Yes I love this work.
Do you get my responses to your writings, I’m not sure perhaps I need to log in or something, can you just let me know sometime if you see my comments please my email is [email protected]
Thank you Jan. I quite like the way this poem came together as well, so its great to get external feedback too. I’ll admit, I’m not sure what notification you yourself get when I have replied to your messages, but I reply to every message/comment. If you aren’t receiving an eamil in reply, perhaps check your spam folder. Thank you again for your much appreciated comments … always.