My childhood’s eyes
a world swallowed in a mint
multiplication of every deed
suddenly I can master anything
just like my superhero Pop
I’m a star, I’m hero, I’m singer
every hum a single that brings tingles
a sunset arranged upon my plate
a half-eaten grilled cheese
a fish-tail if you please
a skyscraper of honeyed Cheerios
eye-bulbs that stare back at me
an icy patch, a skating rink
frosted window, a carver’s dream
an ear-wag crawls crawls and penetrates
a garden-variety nightmare
a toothbrush flashes light-sabre paste
upon a mirror that imitates
a snowman family, nuclear bound,
melts then scraped again from the ground,
a pile of leaves, a trampoline,
a rock, Ronaldo and a team,
a tinkered box of finger paint:
a tailor’s treasure to sort my thread,
and with a kiss, a hard day’s forgot,
secure in our immortal embrace.

Christmas gift of “Finger-Paint on a Box” by Elijah
Submitted as part of “National/Global Poetry Writing Month” (#NaPoWriMo #GloPoWriMo).
Today’s prompt: Day Twenty: write a poem about a handmade or homemade gift that you have received.
30 Poems in 30 Days
All text and photography © Dale Schierbeck
…. more of my original Poetry on EatsWritesShoots here.
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