Forks and knives?
Yes please
(The table is set)
What’s that?
(The tone is established)
What’s that sound?
I don’t know – someone outside?
Why are they using Frank’s barbecue?
Because they live at Frank’s
Why is this cashew soft?
What happens to food when you cook it?
Why is the steak white?
It’s chicken
I don’t like this steak
It’s chicken
Why do they call it legumes if they’re beans?
Because ‘vegetables’ was already taken
Why do we have to eat beans?
Because you like to eat pizza
Can I have milk?
You have water
Can I have fizzy water?
God grant me serenity ….
Can I go to the bathroom?
Eat your dinner.
Submitted as part of “National/Global Poetry Writing Month” (#NaPoWriMo #GloPoWriMo).
Today’s prompt: Day Twenty-Eight: “Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that poses a series of questions. The questions could be a mix of the serious (“What is the meaning of life?”) and humorous (“What’s the deal with cats knocking things off tables?”), the interruptive (“Could you repeat that?”) and the conversational (“Are those peanuts? Can I have some?”). You can choose to answer them – or just let the questions keep building up, creating a poem that asks the reader to come up with their own answer(s)..”
30 Poems in 30 Days
All text and photography © Dale Schierbeck
…. more of my original Poetry on EatsWritesShoots here.
Haha! I can so picture this!
I hope many can — god knows many have lived the tale. ?
For sure! And that is for sure and certain! ?