Childish memories were never more adult …. If you’re like me, tomato soup is synonymous with not only “comfort food,” but it is synonymous with childhood. And yes, for many of us in North America, it is also synonymous with Campbell’s condensed tomato soup. Hands up — please be honest now — hands up who…
Recipe for Low-Phosphorus Dog Food ~ Caring for a Dog with Chronic Renal Failure
After 18 years, Ben, my longtime dog, was diagnosed with chronic renal failure three months ago. Failing some other catastrophic illness, his vet of 11 years has said this will be the ‘thing’ that finally takes Ben from this world and my life. Having said that, Ben still clearly has a lot of life and love left…
Green Cherry-Tomato Ketchup
Green ketchup … yes, homemade green ketchup made from the green cherry and pear tomatoes from my garden. So much of life comes from being in the moment and taking chances. When I took the chance to join The Canadian Food Experience Project, I didn’t know what I’d end up writing about let alone what…
Homemade Super Dog Food … aka Ben’s Breakfast
If I have a finger for every love in my life, one is given to food and another one, likely an opposable thumb, is given to Ben, my dog. Together, those two loves have produced this recipe for homemade dog food which I have been feeding to my super/wonder-dog for years. For those new to…