my Father always toiled at the earth above the rocks he kept our yard a solitude of quiet and play a kinder garten circled by the elm hedge and shaded by the twin aspen it was always home and always work. my Father always toiled at our garden on the verge of my perception I…
A Hammer
It was gift from my father “It’s yours” it’s weight — all his life in toil — beaten and chipped like the burden he carried on his shoulders now bent with bursitis. “Take this” his shouts when he swung framing 2x4s into tight places “Take this hammer” to build your life — it was not…
A Legacy in Place
We together sit upon the earth in the shadows of a sundial that connects Me to the soil that fed me from the mud patties I fed me with a place that grounded me of a ground that holds family Us under the sun defines place out of it seasons my own by it my…