Gone to the Birds World Health Organization reports #vaccinations administered by air travel break our distance the answer contradicts wet market obfuscation origin stories rapid testing rising numbers birds gather in public unmasked fed prescriptions sourdough pieces intensive care moistly distributed to the populations all variants flock together casting caution to the ventilation open borders…
Desérables I covet thee desire the tree tap it and drain it catch it gather it amount it and boil it into the blood of my blood. It is the spring its temperatures bring release as your veins swell your sugar melts into buckets of sticky sexy sap. Paper crêpes a superhero cape candied bacon…
His News
The news: a bark that bites through my heart Words on a screen scratching at my soul My world shakes and it flings me down I choke on the hairy diagnosis And it claws at my breaking eyes. The clock chimes, the hands move, Eighteen years are now ticking , Sands caught in his paws, now…