Like a ribbon of verdant grass curled around my finger I remember my youth of running barefoot through the grass and clover chasing the flight of butterflies over Okanagan air like the wind whispering love to the tail of a dancing kite pale sulfur sails panel the blue as long crooked legs come alight upon…
A Wish for a Time
I wish for a sunkiss to lay in a beam upon the thick pile of a green shag carpet catch the tail of my cat who sweeps it into my face bends an ear into mine then lays in a beam purring up my lips. I wish for a fire’s dance to lay in its…
the fog stands wet upon the crumbling cliff reaching for its home the dandelions bend into their wasted selves flagging a season done the fescue weaves the earth into the land setting the dining table the scanning sentinel watches over the world marking life’s moments. I watch the wildness of an island alone dripping hungry…