Trees — they give us life. They give our world texture.
Perhaps it is the fact I that grew up with trees all around me and spent so many days of my youth playing in them, on them, with them, but, whatever the reason, there is a beauty in them that I can’t get enough of … from their heads to their … to their skin. Burnt, sawed or eaten, they are a textured beauty. Thus this is my contribution to the Weekly Photo Challenge: Texture.
See more photography here ….
These are great; I want to reach out and touch them.
Thanks Su.
That’s incredibly nice to say. There are a few in there I feel the same way about myself. 
All tremendous shots, love the variation in texture.
Thank you, Stephanie. You’re very kind. Relooking at these myself (and the ones I didn’t publish), I’m amazed that a single forest has that much variation of texture in it. It strikes me that we often fail to see the trees for the forest … we see the whole, not the individual variation. Interesting comment on life? Thank you again ….
I think tree bark offers exquisite examples of texture and you have chosen a terrific variety!
Thanks Terri. I really appreciate your comment. Yes, given the time, I’m sure I could fill a book with such pictures. There are indeed some gorgeous textures on the trees we walk by and take for granted most days.
Only another photographer can appreciate seeing someone with their camera aimed into the trunk of a tree!