We travel the boardwalk
A seabreeze caught hand in hand
Write our love in the sand
With permanent chalk.
We travel life’s bridge
To the drum of our feet
Our hearts resonate with each beat
A future nears across the ridge.
We travel the blue sky above
Cut the clouds from the light
Pack them soft for the night
Our destination reached in love.
All text and images © Dale Schierbeck
See more of others’ submissions to the Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge on “Grid.”
More photos from EatsWritesShoots here.
Ah, yes…I know what awaits over the ridge. 😉
This is a great posting with beautiful photos and an even better accompanying poem. I took a similar photo and for the same photos challenge. Great minds think similar. 🙂
Thank you. Your own is an absolutely great photo, so thanks for stopping by and commenting. The railing does work well to create the grid lines, but also almost naturally lends itself to the rule-of-thirds as well with the space on each side and the emptiness in the middle and also on the horizontal axis with the footbridge below the sky. Always nice to have compliments on my words as well … thank you again.
So lovely…
(big smiles) Thank you.