I wish for a sunkiss
to lay in a beam
upon the thick pile
of a green shag carpet
catch the tail of my cat
who sweeps it into my face
bends an ear into mine
then lays in a beam
purring up my lips.
I wish for a fire’s dance
to lay in its glow
upon the warm slate
of a winter’s night
counting the colours
and tracing the tracks
of the breathing embers
like taillights on a rainy street.
I wish for snowflakes to pile
snowbanks higher than my head
and swim in the drifts with arms
and legs oscillating as I lay upon
a frozen cloud supported there
by the friendship of a guardian angel
while my boots become filled with snow
and my Grandma’s mittens cake in ice.
I wish for a rainstorm
a cloud burst and rainbows
I wish for the roads to rush
clean as rivers past our house
to fill the ditches with life
as I dance in the puddles
and build boats with bark
and sail them with toothpicks and leaves
seeking treasure and gold through culverts.
I wish for a picnic in the grass
seeking buttercups in the spring
counting the clover on grass stained
knees chewing on the stems
and watching the robins hop
through the sheaths while pulling
worms from the world
as the lilac wind catches
my childhood in its sweet embrace.
Submitted as part of “National/Global Poetry Writing Month” (#NaPoWriMo #GloPoWriMo).
Today’s prompt: write a poem of gifts and joy. What would you give yourself, if you could have anything? What would you give someone else?
30 Poems in 30 Days
All text and photography © Dale Schierbeck
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