I’m anonymous — I like it that way I know who you are — I like you my prey I take what I want — destroying the rest I learned a long time ago — it’s easiest creating my code — that makes me smart opening doors — now that’s my art I think I’m…
I am home — home — in a word home — in my name — home in your word — home — I hear near — here home — an inn with a breakfast — in — bed a place — plates — for two a piece — fragments — shifting to individuals — apart…
Bring me 13 Feathers of a songbird murdered 12 Broken promises weathered by ice 11 Frozen bubbles caught in the snow’s demise 10 Shattered branches sheared below 9 Blunt blades of dead autumn grass 8 Empty acorns buried deep in hunger 7 Drowsy blood-filled mosquitoes woken by the equinox 6 Maple leaves turned to mud…
A Hammer
It was gift from my father “It’s yours” it’s weight — all his life in toil — beaten and chipped like the burden he carried on his shoulders now bent with bursitis. “Take this” his shouts when he swung framing 2x4s into tight places “Take this hammer” to build your life — it was not…
A Legacy in Place
We together sit upon the earth in the shadows of a sundial that connects Me to the soil that fed me from the mud patties I fed me with a place that grounded me of a ground that holds family Us under the sun defines place out of it seasons my own by it my…
Red Sky Tonight …
My lips are painted with the red sky tonight … she has kissed me hard pressed against the weather pane — I’m twisting in her words, full-sail, piercing air, a dappled blanket sheathes a sorceress’ spell spoken Burn me, melt me, make me whole, cleanse from me a darkened soul, calm my waters in a…
School-Day Mornings
6:30 — Mom wakes me — I love Mommy and Mommy loves Me 6:31 — Pull the covers over my head and wait for her to remind me at 6:35 6:35 — Reminder 6:36 — Lights are turned on and curtains flung open — sun unfairly attacks my head 6:36 — Pillow over head for…
Slammed: Fatherhood
[author’s note: read this poem aloud for full effect] I was slammed as soon as I walked through the door in the weeds, so deep in the weeds that I couldn’t tell the dandelions from the nasturtiums from heads of romaine I was on the line before I knew it on the line, way down…
Would You?
If you could read my mind would you say yes? If I tipped the barista at the bar would you know my character? If I opened the button of my collar would your eyes brighten in a smile? If I spoke my body in word would you melt with my eloquence? If I took an…
Platform of Surrender
I’m crawling on your shores It was all a dream — I woke up like this Up on the platform of surrender Abandoned on a beach that is a dessert so I drank from a fountain of mirage now I’m crawling on your shores My hands are cold drawing hearts in the sand on my…