Duck is one of my very favourite meats and certainly my favourite form of fowl. I know some people have the same aversion to this fine feathered creature as they do to lamb, rabbit, and venison — the four of which would be my holy trinity of proteins if they weren’t actually a quartet. I…
A New Year (part two)
Chapter 2: A Polish Year (continued from Part One: Car Ride) PART TWO: Szczesliwego Nowego Roku Arrived at the pension, we unloaded the car and Magda made arrangements with the owners to throw in a load of vomit covered laundry. We then took the dogs for a quick walk before heading upstairs to our rooms…
A New Year (part one)
Chapter 2: A Polish Year (continued from First Snow) PART ONE: Car Ride The first snow also meant that New Year’s eve would soon arrive. In Poland, this holiday is named after St. Sylvester because it is also his “name day,” and Sylwester is as much or even more of an “event” as it is here…