Most mornings are a cereal bowl Of kryptonite that withers my fragile will Rots my confidence like a spring snowbank — I’m whipped by salted words, hot with prepubescence, So I retreat into Clark Kent clothes and awkwardness And scream into the testing with a stomp and a fist down But on the quiet of…
Earthly Habits
my Father always toiled at the earth above the rocks he kept our yard a solitude of quiet and play a kinder garten circled by the elm hedge and shaded by the twin aspen it was always home and always work. my Father always toiled at our garden on the verge of my perception I…
Shoot the Birds
For my father, always as a child, the morning hour had gold in its mouth — and so roused of my bed, hot coffee in his thermos and hot chocolate in mine, he’d drive me up Black Mountain, tell me as we flew the nest, “Keep your eagle eyes peeled for the grouse” speckled in…
How …?
How? how do I learn where does patience come from when “It’s not fair” for the fiftieth time after a special-made breakfast made under the moonlight after a day of rushing and time is always tight because I was late for work — again — after we say “Sorry — the money is spent” on…
What did the Grouse Hear?
What did the grouse hear as the Father talked to his Son — what did it hear in the reassuring speech, practiced over a glass of rye, in the repetition of “I will always love you”? Walking among the thin ground cover, random and haphazard, the mottled markings passed on from grouse to grouse as…
Mother You feed – our hearts make warm our whole You forgive – our stumbles see I for me not deeds You mend – our hurts cherish our fallen tears You teach – our minds patient with stubbornness You guide – our choices free us to risk wobbles You protect – our innocence a shield…
“Held in My Heart”
“Connected, we never part Belly to shoulders Son, you are held in my heart.” All text and images © Dale Schierbeck See more of others’ submissions to the Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge on “Connected.” More photos from EatsWritesShoots here.
My Canadian Food Hero
Valerie Lugonja began the Canadian Food Experience Project on June 7, 2013. Each month, participants share their collective stories across the vastness of our Canadian landscape through our regional food experiences. As I personally think Canadians do have a food identity, the hope of the project is that we will bring clarity to our Canadian…