Writing feeds my mind and my soul. Those that know me know that it is in my mind where I live: a busy tableau where a hundred hamsters are continuously spinning the wheels of my thoughts. I need to consciously engage in something that allows me to avert my mind’s eye from these busy creatures — but when I want to immerse myself in my mind, then I turn to words on the page. I’m not sure where things will evolve here with respect to my written words. Unlike the cooking and photography, my words are truly my soul lay bare and, in that instant, I’m vulnerable and naked. Perhaps that is the reason why there is such pleasure in the English language for me … but it will take time and trust to share these parts with the world that awaits their emergence.
I welcome your comments as you thumb through what will emerge here, but let your own sensitive souls be your guide as to what you say and how you say it ….
Poetry Benjamin Fiction Ramblings Travel Songs
Recent Posts:
* Chapter One: You Came into My Life
* Winter’s Skin
* The Evil Garlic Press
Dear Dale
There are no words to describe your heart. How blessed Ben was to have you, and you, Ben! How beautiful.
I came across your site as I was looking for recipes for Kidney disease. I have a little 9.5 lb Chihuahua/terrier mix. We adopted her almost 9 years ago and they did not know her exact age, (anywhere from 3-5 yrs. Old)as she was a stray wondering the street. We think she was used only for breeding and then let loose. She had just given birth recently the shelter said from the looks of her. Anyways, we fell in love with her and she had been my shadow since. Well, back in Jan. She got an infected anal gland. I took her to the vet and the drained it and started her on an antibiotic and Prednisone. That cleared the infection and she had her recheck 10 days later. Infection was gone and she responded well to treatment. Then, it all went downhill about a week or so later. She started acting strange. She was confused, standing in places not being able to get out of, pacing at night, not sleeping not eatting, vomiting and accident s on the house.. I swore she had dementia. Back to the vet, blood test, urine test to see what was going on. Infection in her body Dr said as well as Renal failure. Dr said she has lots of time left her body looks good, good movements. Gave her antibiotic again and now added Fomotodine(pepcid)2xs a day along with a powder called Alum Hydroxide 20 Dram. DT said it will help kidneys. Let’s just say the past 2.5 mo tjs have been a challenge. I love her to pieces and have been trying to do everything I can to help her. She only comes to me, follows me and sleeps next to my bed every night. Her accidents in the house slow down or stop once she’s on an antibiotic, this is second time she is on antibiotic.her urine had thee worst oder, that’s how I knew she had infection. She has her good days,moments and her bad days n moments. I have had her on a bland diet of chicken and rice (hated the kd food) off and on for over a month now. She stopped eating that and I had given her ground beef and rice. She has eaten that but is back to having soft stool and mucus diarrhea. I feel so bad for her. She looks at me like what’s going on mom? There are momentsseems mainly at night that she gets a burst of energy and runs inside after bathroom outside. She goes for a couple to a few days of no popping. She’s hungry I know because she’s always waiting for something to drop when I’m in the kitchen cooking. Today was a bad day for her, up at 3am diarrhea, and her belly making very loud rumbling noises. Distant this morning, shaking and body swaying. I thought we were going to have to say goodbye today. Around 6:30 she got one of those burst of energy moments. I made her a mixture of your recipe, left out egg whites, and she ate about half a cup, she wanted more but I am afraid she will get diarrhea again. She is asleep as I type, I just don’t know what to do. Any suggestions? Will this make her have worse diarrhea you think,? I don’t want her in pain, I hate seeing her like this she never passes up food. But she wants to eat Ben’s special recipe. I am hoping for a little sleep tonight. Tomorrow is another day and she has an appointment with the vet to see. Thank you for being the loving,caring,compassionate person that you are! You have earned your wings. Thank you for reading all of your comments and keeping Ben akive within you. Peace & Prayers
Hi Gina — thank you for your kind words and sharing your story here. My apologies for the delay in response but I was away with the Easter weekend myself. I hope the power of the holiday provided you with your own miracle. I can well relate to your story, to the difficulty of the events and the challenge of doing your best and still feeling lost … like it is not enough. It sounds like you are doing your best, though, and that will always have to be good enough. I can’t speak to why your girl has diarrhea — it could be the disease in her for sure. I found in my own experience that egg YOLKS gave Ben a loose stool but this recipe focuses on the whites only, so depending on your case, it may not be an issue. That said, every dog is different so you’ll have to make that call … but know that in omitting the egg whites, you’d be omitting the protein which she needs. So if that’s the case, this might not be the best recipe for you and your girl. Sorry. All I can say is try it … let her eat it and if the diarrhea doesn’t clear up in a few days with food in her gut and a return to balance, then you may want to try something else or add in some supplements to help. Perhaps speak to your vet again and see what they have to suggest …. Wishing you success and a great miracle. ~ Dale