Not every adventure needs to lead down a new path.
In the inaugural mystery, “we” got to play with Hakurei turnips. That was a yummy adventure indeed. Next up is something that may not be as much of a mystery to many of you, but it will surely be new to many more. While it is not uncommon — and it is becoming more common as people discover it’s powerful flavours — it is far from being ubiquitous… yet.
Regardless of whether you guess or know this ingredient already, please do stop by again tomorrow when I will reveal the recipe what I did with this delicious rite of summer.
Ps. Yes, I think I should make this twisted piece of vegetable art my new signature….
They are lovely in omelets (not overly garlicy) just chop up and simmer for a min or two like you would crushed garlic. I don’t like them raw.
Great suggestion and advice. Thank you. By coincidence, I actually did exactly that for Sunday breakfast and diced up a couple and fried them along with the chorizo and bell pepper. So, yes, my advice to anyone would be to use these scapes like you would garlic with the difference being that the garlic is a concentrated little clove whereas the scape will add substance to the dish as well. Not a bad thing if it helps us eat our veggies. 🙂
Mmmmm garlic scapes are amazing! I’ve had the privilesge of many picked out of a friend’s local garden and usually eaten in beautiful salads.
Mmm … Intrigued at the notion of using them raw. Suspect the ones I used and photographed here are more mature or from some elephantine garlic, not sure, but they definitely had some heat and bite to them … which will explain why I chose the treatment I did (revealed soon). 🙂
Garlic shoots are so tasty and beautiful. I’m curious to what you’re going to make with them. 🙂
Thanks Ronit — they are indeed gorgeous oddities. Sorry for the delay in the ‘reveal’ … you’ll get the answer in the morning. 🙂