I have been drawn to photography since I was a child and I’ve been taking pictures (albeit very bad pictures) since as a child I was given that very first Kodak Instamatic camera and Flipflashes that would follow. While I still have the pictures taken with that camera (pictures more interesting for being anthropological remnants of a disposable era than for their composition or quality), I like to think I’ve come a long way since then. Like so many of my life journey’s, we have to start somewhere …. and this journey is only but half complete.
And if life is a journey, then photography is for me a journey into the process of creation. In that moment when my shutter clicks from open to close and open, I capture moments, ideas, expressions, and observations. It feeds my aesthetic out there, in the world — in that physicality outside my own physical being — there lies beauty in all things: in nature, the animals with which we share its custodianship, art, architecture, people and places. There is humour and there is oddness. There is colour and there is shape; there is light and there is darkness. There is history and there is place … and there is time. And, in all of it, there is life.
In some ways, then, there is a natural connection between what I “shoot” and what I “write” about … and while the inspiration and even the lens may be the same, the expression — and therefore the perspective — can differ. Therefore, don’t be surprised to see poetry draped all over my photos often and #PhotoPoem on Twitter.
Weekly Photo Challenge Series


Nocturnal Grasses
Admittedly, I found your site because of your post about your dog with kidney disease. But I also was curious about the title of your URL. I’m glad you shoot photos and not animals! 🙂
You have a vast and very eclectic collection of photos here. I enjoyed looking through them… and understanding or trying to figure out what the titles meant. Thank you for sharing them with us!
You’re very welcome, Shauna. Yes, I was being playful in choosing the title and found out only quite a while afterward that there was a similarly titled site that focused on hunting. Not my cup of tea, that’s for sure. I much prefer to “shoot” what I see through the lens of a camera. 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the eclecticism of my eye.
keep rockin it dale
Thank you … even anonymous support is great to receive. Thank you 🙂
The titles are great to go with your excellent photos
Thank you … that definitely makes me smile. I’m never sure how the “outside” world looks at me creativity, so that means a lot.