I came poor of birth I was born blue into childhood of a childhood cut from my parents’ impulses gifted second-hand a copy of a 163rd reprinting Baby and Child Care a gift of new and old it was a time when being conceived out of marriage being born was the end not a beginning…
Bun in the Oven
We all start the same way — mostly — buns in the oven, proofing and rising, but for me, not just a resting place, my culinary beginnings, my birth, my crumb elastic and moist, growing with structure, held formed and tight by a golden crust hard with experience and knowledge the artisan in me, captured…
A Study in Yellow ~ No.5: Butter
“A Study in Yellow #5: Butter” This was a flower that filled my grandmother with love and no matter her age, she always beamed as bright as the flower itself when she spied the first ones of spring. And so I grew up with this flower as the symbol of new beginnings, of the rebirth…