Depending on where you live, you may well be suffering through the same seasonal blur as we are in Ottawa this year. Our winter this year has been unusually long and cold. Indeed there is still ice on our Rideau Canal (a UNESCO World Heritage Site — not because it has ice into the second week in April). There have been days in the past month where it seemed like spring might actually arrive on more than just paper … but like a blur, it was then gone. So with this week’s challenge, it seem appropriate to pay homage to the fickle seasons and our propensity to wish for what we don’t have. This particular photo was certainly a mistake, a picture snapped before I realized that I’d changed my shutter speed to slow while I took milky pictures of a stream. The result is … well: a blur of spring verdure mixed with the sky peaking through the leaves.
All text and images © Dale Schierbeck
See more of others’ submissions to the Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge on “Blur.”
This is one of my favorite contributions to this week’s challenge! Perfect!
Oh wow! Thank you for your very kind words. I’ve a lot of other beautiful mistakes in my life. Proof that behind every “failure” is an opportunity waiting to be discovered.
I love the blur! (You probably couldn’t have achieved it if you’d tried!
I took a walk today and took pictures of Zeke and posted them on Facebook. First comment I got was: Still snow? Really? Grrrr. Yeah, still snow! Though it is melting. The St.Lawrence is a mix of ice and water so, good sign!
Have a spectacular spring once it really comes!
Thank you, Dale. Yes, the central and eastern part of the country have had a hard go of it this season … while I listen to friends and family talk about golfing in the West. Somehow, this picture seems to make it a bit better in the short run.
Enjoy your own spring … hopefully only a few more days. But first, yes, groan, we’re getting two more centimeters of the white stuff tonight. Shaking my head ….
We really did get nailed! My friend from Nunavut came down for a visit ( and she told me that up in Iqaluit they too had a most bitterly cold winter. More so than usual!
Egads! Not more!!! Only good thing about getting snow at this time of year is we know it will not stay. We’re supposed to get some “slush” from the sky too…