Sphere of vital green
Single segments held as one
Orange with sun’s kiss.”
All text and photography © Dale Schierbeck
See more of others’ submissions to the Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge on “It IS Easy Being Green.”
… and more Poetry from EatsWritesShoots here.
you sure they’re not limes?
I actually have a lime tree that makes orange limes (fun to watch the kids pick an “orange” and bite into one)
It’s a fair question, as a Canadian, I can spot the difference between and ash, birch, and maple tree … but citrus trees are not in my comfort zone. However, I’m confident these are actually mandarin oranges for a couple of reasons. The audio guide for the Real Alcazar (Seville’s Royal Palace) specifically said “Note the mandarin oranges in the garden you’re in … these were planted to replace the original [Seville] orange trees that were struck with disease.” The shape and hints of orange just barely starting to come through these October fruits suggested to me, at least, that they were in fact mandarins. That said, you may well be right as I never dared pull one from the tree to know for sure … I recommend the trip and sampling to confirm.
Cool pictures. Have a great weekend ahead.
Thank you and thanks for stopping by to comment. Have a great weekend yourselves, too.
Interesting title. Great pictures .
This is me grinning. You know I like to provoke thought as part these challenges and revel in the opportunity to ask people to see things a bit differently. Why shouldn’t something so quintessentially named in opposition be a great example of the ‘thing it is not’?
Dale, you’ve got style ?
Thank you, immensely, Helen. That is an unexpected and very kind thing to say …. I believe I’ll grin all day now.
And I’m smiling too. It’s a lot better than frowning. ????